Empowering & supporting individuals, couples, families & groups
"Sarah is an amazing supervisor. I've had the pleasure to have worked with Sarah for over a couple of years. My sessions have helped me not only professionally but personally.I've had major positive shifts in self beliefs and in my state of mind towards myself and others. I'm very privelaged and grateful to Sarah and the amazing work she does.Thanks very very very much Sarah."
Tom Filipo
"Sarah has been influential in helping me in my relationships with whanau, friends and people. She keeps me in tune with the values I hold dear and empowers me to make decisions that support where I am in life. I particularly appreciate her compassionate approach when we talk. She allows me to process my own narrative safely and comfortably. The stuff I find out about myself is surprising and insightful, and I often leave sessions inspired to make positive change. Thank you Sarah for your continued support with life’s challenges. I have learnt a lot about my role as a man, father, partner, teacher and facilitator of support groups."
Regards Wheturangi Tepania
" Sarah's depth of knowledge and compassion has given me much, and is something I will never forget. "
" Sarah is a highly skilled and professional counsellor and was a sad loss to our team."
Tony Wooding
(Clinical Director Relationship Services Taranaki) 2012
" Choosing a counsellor or life coach is very personal. I offer a free 1st half hour session to help determine whether I am the right person for you. "
" I have fun with the tools Sarah taught me to navigate difficult situations. "
" I love my new gained confidence I never experienced before. I didn't think positive change is possible in such a short time. "
" Sarah’s professional practice, personal integrity and passion for working with young people made her a highly valued and well regarded colleague and employee. "
Barbara Payton
Otago Youth Wellness Trust Manager
“Sarah is an exceptional counsellor and colleague and we continue to miss her influence.”
Colin Goldthorpe Psychologist/Managing Director
Adventure Development Ltd
" Sarah has helped me through one of the most personally challenging times of my life, and I truly believe I am a better person having gone through this with her help. "
"I sought after Sarah, to attend the womans well-being retreat and also therapeutically over a 8 month period, I choose Sarah, and highly recommend her, because for me she offered such gentle and committed guidance and support, and a exquisitely held space to grow. Her depth of knowledge and compassion has given me much, and is something I will never forget."
" Sarah helped me heal and learn to appreciate myself.She gave me the tools to continue a happy life and cope with all the things that life throws at you sometimes.She is also a really lovely person who is able to make you feel calm and at ease."
" Sarah has helped me to identify how past experiences can trigger current emotions and reactions. She has helped me to be empowered by providing me with self help tools that strengthen my self in particular my mental wellbeing. I would highly recommend Sarah to everyone."
"Sarah is a highly skilled and intuitive supervisor. She has an incredible art for asking the right questions at the right time and following my lead to where we need to go in each session.
I find our sessions expand my reflective practice on so many levels and always end up giving me more clarity on how I apply this with my clients. Sarah is open, flexible and able to have both my needs and that of the clients I work with in mind at all times. I am truly grateful for her commitment and passion for this work "
" Her (Sarah’s) workload, as external Supervisor for our youth programme must be a hard load to carry at times, and yet Sarah is always radiant, loving, sincere and welcoming to each of us. Her depth and wisdom is down to earth, practical and always based on love, and helping each of us to be the best we can in all aspects of our lives. "
Sarah’s professional practice, personal integrity and passion for working with young people made her a highly valued and well regarded colleague and employee.
Barbara Payton
Otago Youth Wellness Trust Manager
" I'm so glad I decided to ask for help and take full responsibility about my problems; with Sarah's work that's so much easier! "
We saw Sarah for mediation through the family court. Things were really bad between us at the time. Sarah helped us to see we needed to put out children first & make decent plans for them. Even though neither of our behaviours were great at the time. Sarah didn’t make me feel judged or I think neither my ex. But she did make it very clear and made sure we made some changes for our kids sakes. Things are much better now and I think they could have got a lot worse without the mediation!
" Initially, the thought of talking about myself to someone freaked me out. Sarah made it cruisy and comfortable and let me chat at my own pace. She helps me identify things to work on and how to process my own stuff better. She is up front and challenging, while being warm and supportive at the same time. Life is less daunting after a session with Sarah. "
" After nearly coming to blows with another member of the community I was sure the only options were to avoid contact or expect all future interactions to be tense, fiery or worse. But this would all be in front of children.
Sarah took us through a very professional process, that unearthed misunderstandings and miscommunication on both sides that completely restored a relationship and brought about an ongoing friendship. I'm quite clear I couldn't have achieved that result without Sarahs professional approach. If you have a tricky situation to resolve that needs some careful handling I have no hesitation in recommending you call Sarah quickly."
" Sarah's way of working is incredibly compassionate, though not complacent. She helps me to challenge my own potential - to be as empowered as I can - with enormous sensitivity and open heart. I think she is a great professional in her field, as well as a beautiful human being. Thank you deeply, Sarah."
" Sarah has helped me through one of the most personally challenging times of my life, and I truly believe I am a better person having gone through this with her help. "
" Just prior to the birth of our second child my partner and I had to face the fact that our relationship was in tatters. We were both miserable and angry and were finding it increasingly difficult to communicate with each other. We were feeling hurt resentful, unappreciated, powerless and overwhelmed.Some days we struggled to speak to each other at all. We recognised that it was harmful for our children to live in such a highly charged environment filled with negativity and despair, and agreed that we needed help. Whether we decided to stay together or end our relationship we still had to jointly parent our children for the next 18 or so years. A friend recommended that we see Sarah Edwards. We went to see her together for a series of couples counselling sessions. For me it was a great relief to finally be able to feel heard. It was much more difficult for my partner as he initially saw himself as the villain.Sarah was extremely empathetic and genuine which made us both instantly like her and feel at ease with sharing our struggles. She was always extremely professional, yet down to earth and never made us feel like she was taking sides or casting judgement. She was the catalyst that set us on our way to not only understanding each other but also ourselves. The last 3 years have been an in-depth journey of self-discovery and opportunities for both of us to grow as individuals, as a couple and as parents.My partner still see’s Sarah on his own and I still go now and then when I can. We are continuously working on our relationship with each other and our children. We have our ups and downs , but we no longer feel so powerless. We recognise our triggers and the negative patterns of behaviour we resort to in times of stress. We are more reflective and forgiving of ourselves and each other .We have just celebrated the birth of our 3rd child and are looking forward to our future with each other and our family. Thanks you Sarah, Arohanui Mother of 3, Raglan. "
Women's Wellness Retreat:
" thank you again for this opportunity, it relit my spark in myself, for myself and for life - I will be eternally gratefull to you two Devas (Sanskirt for ones who shine white light)."
Christine, Tauranga
Women's Wellness Retreat:
" What an amazing weekend, Thanks"
Sheree, Tauranga
Empowering and supporting individuals, couples, families and groups.
Women's Wellness Retreat:
" It was so nourishing for the heart and soul!! The facilitators held the space beautifully full of love and respect. The weekend was full of yoga, meditation, dancing, eating, laughing, crying and more laughing! Every woman should experience this! We deserve it. "
M. Hamilton