Empowering & supporting individuals, couples, families & groups
It is from the place of connecting with someone as an individual that I decide what modalities to draw on to best support the person/couple/family in the changes they wish to make.
The modalities I draws on range widely (from psychotherapy to systemic approaches to mindfulness)
Key modalities and theories that I use …
Humanistic Psychology
Cognitive Behavioral therapy
Transactional Analysis
Mindfullness Practices
Dialectal Behavioral Therapy
Post Modern Family Therapy
Eco psychology
EFT; Emotional freedom Techniques
Imago Relationship Therapy
EFCT Emotionally Focussed Couples Therapy
ACT Acceptance Commitment Therapy
Positive Psychology
Whare Tapa Wha & Te Wheke Models
Attachment Theory
I am passionate about and fascinated with the on-going exploration of theories and ways of working with people that can catalyse the most effective and sustainable change. I am always exploring new literature and considering the relationships between theories.
I believe that sustainable change involves making changes in our internal and external worlds. I draw on different modalities that enable both processes.
Making internal changes then ACTIONING change in our daily lives are both essential for sustainable growth. I also believe and it has been widely proven that sustainable change is maximised through effective support. I am 100% committed to support clients in the up and down journey of change and also look at ways clients can create their own on-going systems of support to sustain the change they have made.
Working collaboratively with other health professionals that clients are choosing to support them is key in my approach. (Central to this is respecting client’s autonomy and confidentiality.) I believe combining different areas of expertise and working together with clients can even more effectively support and catalyse change.
Modalities and Approaches:
I draw on many different modalities in my work with clients. The way I work is to firstly connect with the client/s and ensure I fully understand their individual needs situation and goals.
© 2013 by Sarah Edwards Counselling. All rights reserved.